RoadVision AI is a tech-first company that offers enterprise SaaS solutions for efficient roadinfrastructure management with Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins.

RoadVision AI
Computer Vision/Road Analytics

About the company

RoadVision AI is a tech-first company that offers enterprise SaaS solutions for efficient roadinfrastructure management with Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins. RoadVision AI usesAI, GIS and predictive analytics to provide data-driven insights for identifying road distressand managing road infrastructure. RoadVision AI helps road authorities and contractors tomonitor road conditions, plan maintenance activities, optimize budgets, and improve roadsafety and performance. RoadVision AI operates in a huge and growing market, as the globalroad & highway infrastructure market size was valued at $1134.28 billion in 2022 and isprojected to grow to $1333.67 billion by 2030.

Highlights :

  • Piloted in Raipur, Jalandhar, Vizag, and more, covering 1000+ Lane-KMH.
  • Attracting interest from 10+ municipalities like Siliguri, Banaras, Nagpur .
  • Progressing talks with state highway authorities in 4 states.
  • Partnering with 3 private sector players.
  • Collaborating with Central Road Research Institute and Indian Institute of Public Administration for enhancement and Go-To-Market.
RoadVision AI